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Update time : 2024-09-16


led频闪仪用于目视检查和分析旋转或往复振荡物体的运动。它们通过创建一种频闪效果来冻结物体的运动,使用户能够观察其行为并识别任何问题。频闪仪通常用于各种行业,包括制造业、汽车业和航空航天业,用于排除机械故障并确定需要改进的领域。对移动物体的准确分析对于保持效率和避免潜在的安全隐患至关重要。无论您是在寻找非接触式解决方案来测量旋转设备的转速还是诊断设备问题,LUYOR Instruments都能满足您的需求。

LED Stroboscopes

LED Stroboscopes are used to visually inspect and analyze the motion of rotating or oscillating objects. They work by creating a strobing effect that freezes the motion of the object, allowing the user to observe its behavior and identify any issues. Stroboscopes are commonly used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace, to troubleshoot problems with machinery and identify areas for improvement. Accurate analysis of moving objects is critical in maintaining efficiency and avoiding potential safety hazards. Whether you're looking for a non-contact solution to measure the RPM of rotational equipment or diagnose equipment issues, LUYOR Instruments has you covered.


Our LED stroboscopes use solid-state light sources that are very durable and long lived with no heat generation or drift over time. They feature push button control of all digital functions and pulse width modulation to ensure sharp images at high speeds and aluminum housings.These lightweight strobes are small enough to be hand held and fit in a pocket. They are battery operated and portable, making them ideal inspection stroboscopes for speed, motion and vibration analysis around the plant.LED stroboscopes freeze motion visually to facilitate the inspection of moving motors, cams, belts, fans, etc. without shutting down to prevent unscheduled maintenance.




A stroboscope is an instrument that emits a series of brief, intense flashing lights at specific intervals.

When the flashing light from a stroboscope is directed onto an object rotating at high speed (e.g., a cooling fan inside a PC), the moving fan appears to stand still.

The stroboscope makes the fan rotating at high speed appear to stand still due to the visual persistence*1 of the human eye.

When the frequency of the flashing lights from the stroboscope is adjusted to synchronize with the fan rotating speed, the number of apparently stationary fan blades you see corresponds to the actual number of fan blades.*2

*1 The retina of the human eye retains an image for approximately 1/16th of a second. The stroboscope relies on this characteristic of the human eye to provide its intended function. Projectors used in movie theaters also rely on characteristics of human vision to display motion pictures.

*2 If the stroboscope emits a series of flashing lights at a frequency faster than the fan rotating speed, you will see more fan blades than there actually are. In contrast, if the frequency of the flashing lights is slower than the fan rotating speed by a fraction of a whole number, you will see the actual number of fan blades. For more detailed information, see "Using the Stroboscope" pages.


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